I am a life-long learner who has road tested many ideas and methods to smooth and enhance life. I am passionate about learning and even more passionate about sharing to inspire and guide others.

Meet Jen.


After having three babies in close succession (twins arrived when our first born was not yet two years old) the claims that Hypopressive Fitness made were very appealing to me. With commitment to my exercises I found that they did everything it said on the tin. I was very happy to be rid of back pain and pelvic floor issues and to find that I had a waist again!

Hypopressive Fitness gave me all the things that I needed to lift my spirits and keep me on track. It worked and it fitted into my hectic life.

Hypopressive Fitness gave me so much more than a stronger back and a flatter stomach (although those things are totally awesome of course) it gave me space, time, hope, strength, confidence, pleasure and a daily lift. I felt as though I had to bring this to others.

I really just wanted to show people how to feel better. My journey as a Massage Practitioner and Hypopressive Fitness instructor began that simply.

My heart felt wish for the The Secret Core Club is for it to be a community where we can all grow healthier, stronger, wiser and experience more peace and joy in our lives. Together we can make it EASY.

That’s the secret!

“I really just wanted to show people how to feel better. My journey as a Massage Practitioner and Hypopressive Fitness instructor began that simply.”

Jen Albano

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